Published: February 13, 2017   Updated: February 13, 2017

Sometimes it’s the little things that make all the difference in creating an effective workshop. Alison Coward breaks down 5 subtle tips to improve any session.

Check out her video to hear how best to utilize each of these 5 tips in your next facilitation!

  1. Allocate more time for your first exercise or activity.
  2. Give every participant a stack of sticky notes at the beginning of the workshop.
  3. Write in ALL CAPS.
  4. Use a different pen color to document each discussion.
  5. Use group working time to get back on track with your facilitating duties.


Coming soon!

Alison Coward is the founder of Bracket and author of “A Pocket Guide to Effective Workshops.” Alison has been working in and leading creative teams for more than 15 years. She’s passionate about finding the perfect balance between creativity and productivity, read more about Alison here.

Written by FacilitatingXYZ Team

This is the account that the FacilitatingXYZ team uses. FacXYZ is co-facilitated by Meg and Sam, and brings in expertise, knowledge, and lived experience from facilitators far and wide. Read more about us here.

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